Drug abuse is characterized by unrestrained drugs intake and uncontrolled drug consumption over a very long period of time. Drug abuse is also characterized by taking more than the recommended dose of prescription drugs such as barbiturates without medical supervision, or using government-controlled substances such as marijuana, cocaine, heroine, cannabis, opium or other illegal substances. Substances such as alcohol and nicotine are also abused by many people. The craving that drug abusers feel for their drugs can be as strong as the need for food and water. Such people continue to abuse drugs despite serious family, health, or legal problems that such people are facing. Drug abuse is not without its negative effects.
Indiscriminate consumption of drugs leads to serious health problems. It can create kidney and liver damage. It also causes high blood pressure and even heart disease. These health situations can bring about serious depression and in some cases lead to death. Thousands of people die yearly in Nigeria of drug related causes. Studies also indicate that over 100,000 people die in the United States per year of drug related cases. Medical experts have said that drug abuse could induce Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) in people. This means that excessive consumption of hard drugs can destroy the human immune system that guards one against certain infections.Also, individuals who abuse injectable drugs risk contracting HIV and hepatitis from needles shared with infected abusers. Many psychiatric diseases can be complicated by drug abuse. An individual who has slight mental disorder which has natural causes may complicate that disorder by constantly abusing drugs.
One of the most dangerous effects of illegal drug use is the potential for over-dosing-that is, taking too strong a dose for the body’s system to handle. A drug over-dose may cause an individual to loose consciousness and breathe inadequately. Without treatment, an individual may die from a drug over-dose.
Also, drug abuse destroys the youths. The youths are the leaders of tomorrow and the raw materials for any kind of social and economic transformation.However,indulging in extreme abuse renders them useless as their thoughts are directed towards the consumption of hard drugs such as cocaine cannabis marijuana Indian hemp others. The intake of such drugs is behind the increasing rate of armed banditry among the youths. Fragile looking youths become daring and ruthless after taking hard drugs and other strong stimulants. This brings about serious harm and losses.
Drug abuse is one of the leading causes of accidents. Drug addicts who stuff themselves with a lot of drugs easily loose control and experience serious imbalance. As a result, while driving, they involve themselves in fatal accidents which normally results to the loss of their lives and the lives of innocent citizens.
Drug abuse is a global evil and must be tackled in the interest of the society in general. There is the need to step up drug abuse campaigns by the government and private citizens. The youth must be enlightened on all the possible dangers of abusing drugs. Security efforts to detect and apprehend all illegal importers and users of hard drugs must be perfected. Religious organizations should also contribute to building a drug free society through sermons in our places of worship.Remember,a drug free society is a healthy society.
Alagbae, R. (2004); Dangers of Drug Abuse Among Youths; http://www.tigweb.org/youth-media/panorama/article.html?ContentID=4223
Devine, J. (2009); The dangers of drug abuse, eZine: http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Dangers-of-Drug-Abuse&id=1590020
Buddy, T. (2007); The risks of alcohol and drug abuse: http://alcoholism.about.com/od/effect/u/Risks.htm
Helpguide.org Drug abuse and addiction: http://www.helpguide.org/mental/drug_substance_abuse_addiction_signs_effects_treatment.htm
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